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About Inspiration for Divers Story OUR MISSION... To help divers dive better - explore further, stay longer and enjoy the ride along the way. We do this by designing and manufacturing innovative (often revolutionary) products that are easy-to-use but enhance diver performance - even in the harshest conditions. Everything we make is conceived, tested and assembled in our factory and research centre in the heart of Cornwall, UK. We aim: - To be the be the best in everything we do from the boardroom to the shop-floor. - To help educate, support and inform the worldwide diving community wherever we can. Our doors are always open to divers who wish to visit and we're happy to discuss any aspect of diving - from the operation of rebreather units, to specific dive plans, to advice on DIY servicing and repairs, the supply of custom tools or any other questions you may have. This is not a hollow promise. Give us a call to arrange a visit. - To adopt a no-compromise-on-quality approach to every product we make. - To enjoy diving with the kit we make. Right now we’re pushing the boundaries of technical and sport diving through advanced product development – producing kit that allows divers to unlock their potential and expand their dive horizons safely, efficiently and in comfort. Our 6th generation Inspiration range of closed circuit rebreathers is a testament to our constant R&D drive-to-improve. Through extensive research and punishing test regimes we aim to make equipment for divers that is built properly, works well and tackles the snag-points and problems we all come across underwater. Where that will lead us next, we’re not always sure. But that’s just part of the adventure.
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Water-Ma-Trout, 2, TR13 0LW, Helston, Cornwall